Sagacious words

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~ Khalil Gibran

Monday 23 April 2012

Psychotic Inclinations

These fickle idylls, shattered and battered,
By psychotic inclinations of self destruction-
Inglorious afflictions that leave tattered,
Tenderised cures of hard line interpretations.

A likeness to a whirlwind of fatal sadness-
Always born from the shadows of a happy past-
And tied to calm skies that betray a deep madness-
Are the Paradoxes that highlight what it's all about,

Suffocated conformists who learn how to rebel,
Against the universal assault of raw pains,
As hidden horrors are resisted enough, to enable,
Everyday games which allow small, snatched gains,

Mixed up signal storms which wreak mind games;
The armoured divisions of every crippled shame-
As out of oblivion and into a seething destruction,
Are words fired to disable any healing redemption,

This is the frenzy of all obfuscations that express-
The cyclical poisoned ilk of alien, killer others;
And the maiming and ignoring of souls in distress-
Is the raging torment in hearts disconnected to each other.


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