Sagacious words

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~ Khalil Gibran

Friday 6 January 2023

Seeing In Today

Falling down from the life that I knew,

in hindsight I was in survival mode all along.

How could I not be strong when it was the only option?

Looking back, it is clear as a bright day,

I endured and survived such abuse to stay alive.

How could I think straight when I was always fighting?

I walk today in the shadow of my past self,

A terrified child of in the midst of a catastrophised life.

How could I be anything else amongst all of that destruction?

It is strange to have clarity after years of chaos,

a lifting of the mist above the peace hidden by strife.

How can I do anything less than what I must do to thrive?

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