Sagacious words

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~ Khalil Gibran

Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Invincible Nature of a Non-entity

What numbing madness and what utter sadness?
The moments of pain and gladness-
To belong nowhere and everywhere,
In a vain search to belong somewhere,
To be a nothing and a something-
To forgive all and everything,
In the mess of the misery that is humanity.
A struggle to cling onto the very notion of sanity-
Hold on, hold on, you will cry, before it gets better-
The wounds of the heartsoul only heal to become stronger.
With evidence from the past as a measure of security
A gauge of the invincible nature of a non-entity-
To be alive in the middle of storms of easy destruction,
Is an eternal path towards mental and spiritual instruction.
The human entity is a mere mass of blood and gore
Easily ripped apart on the outside yet alive forever more.


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