Sagacious words

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~ Khalil Gibran

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Car Crash

Those and them in the pits and burning fields of how and when-

Far away islands surrounded by crystal blue oceans and skies,
Become developed and distinguished lands of accomplishments

At breakneck speed the car crash scenario continues so faithfully
On an option-less and unavoidable eternal road of necessity-

Not seeing, a means to enjoyment but a closer brush with reality

Sleep gently without the weight or harness of responsibilities

Fearful life oblivious to the loss of fearlessness in abundance-
In wonder and in awe, the light that blinds is the light that finds.

The those and them in pits and burning fields know well the price
As the lands of accomplishment grow reckless with affluent vice,

The darkness and the light of civilisations in growth and in decline.


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