Sagacious words

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~ Khalil Gibran

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


The walls of community that hold and crucify-
The structures of family that protect and suffocate;
These are the recurrent dilemmas of the ages,
Which work when inspired by the words of Sages,

All moments of clarity lose the tinge of freshness,
When hollow victories bring inevitable exposure;
As grown men play dangerous games for power,
And bring apocalyptic times forever closer.

All the aberrations of the cruel and the greedy,
Soon become ugly manifestations of horrid fantasy
And in every society treat the old with dignified care
And towards the young bestow a just and loving flair,
These moments will stealthily become the days of old,
Before we know it, we all too will be forever out cold.


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Weakness Feeds

Jump into it, the raging fire-
The flames and the burning;
Only a natural,
Phenomenon of action.

These diseased faith takers-
Are all insulted death fakers.

Chaos brings them out,
The blood sucking vermin;
Always weakness,
Feeds off of weakness.

Stand up with love against the storm,
And through it you shall be reborn.



Threaten the bloom with aggression of disease,
The fragile stalk, the tender petal
Hardened by the winds of unease,
The weeds have their own metal-
Pulverising the scent of hopeful flowers,
The down trodden, created by harsh powers.


Monday, 25 February 2013


Only the tranquil moment tasted, can last forever,
From the violence and furore of the super-clever
True joy is to be found in the heart of all places,
A decision and a promise despite the ugly traces-
Challenge and heal the inhumane and the illogical,
Create transitions of the mundane to the magical;
The serenade of my heart, in the middle of a scream,
Is always the calm borne in my life, from my dreams.


Blind spots

Glare sideways and all around
Then look without the heat of pain,
Cauterise the view-
And let the bleeding paint a picture.

The nearly blind call it all a phantom,
That needs to be ignored.
They the most clueless,
Of all the people-
Are victims of deformed sight
And a vision diseased.


Monday, 18 February 2013

The Imagination

In it's highest form, flattery
Is of the compassionate kind-
It is a type of truth that shows,
With subtle ease and appreciation,
Inside translucent flowers of wisdom.
Those that can be found growing within
The alert and aware, pulsating mind.
It is the most dynamic form of lucid
Perfection to find, in the stars, in the land,
It is the imagination of humankind.


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Learning Hope

Throwing a rope of hope to another,
When you most yourself, need a saviour
Is the way to actually become stronger,
Helping others, does help the helper
To become a hero from a virtual leper.
Action builds defiance against despair,
In the vortex of pain and debilitating anger
Only compassion helps you to grow stronger
The resistance against numbness flounders,
But what doesn't kill you can help you conquer-
For it is love that makes you survivor and saviour.

- J. Bibi

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Head Banging

Every single day, break your head
Against the rock solid obstacles in your way,
The beat of repetition dents the concrete
And yet again and again the path must be carved
Through sheer force and will power,
Obstacles damage the course of the run
The progress made, belies the work yet to be done.
Intrinsic rhythms that empower and fuel
The complicated melodies that sometimes confuse
But the noise compels the reaction-
The movement of a spiritual interaction.
Getting down to the undertaking,
Of undoing the headlocks of suffering,
To deliver the transcendence of understanding.


Demonic Idols

If to decide, that the 'I am', is a viable entity,
Does that automatically render it a liability?
The workings of the soul and it's inherent power-
Against the materialistic domination of every hour,
The shape of the cause, fuelled by the fires of pain-
Not to take away from the peace but alas, no gain
Is there to be found without the breaking of cycles,
Personified and perpetuated by the will of demonic idols.


Saturday, 2 February 2013

Meandering Through

You lied, you lied, you lied;
All the foundations built on deception.
All the boasted achievements hollow of integrity
This, the night of the broken hour
When comes the dawn and the blinded fall
Always the same patterns of behaviour
In small ways, always the same-
Meandering through the nothingness of fog
The meanings of greatness always lost.


Friday, 1 February 2013

Façade and fragility

What are the differences known,
Of the night and all it holds unknown-
As it exists in the minds of the delirious?
The wounds of the subconscious,
Bleed into the conscious mind,
Every once in a while the regression of time
And the first from last interruptions-
Can't fully stop the neurosis,
Or the increase of knee-jerk reactions,
The moments- the years of internalised afflictions,
Between courage and shame,
Become the constant signs of idle pain,
The weakest of knocks, break something
Due to the frightful effects of fragility,
Which lie beneath the façade of everything.


Energies of Indignation

Mourning the loss of all the lives unlived
The colossus of all that there is to forgive,
Meanings of nothing, to the blind and arrogant
The weakness perceived, propelling beyond guilt.
Perverted are the rules of truth and honour-
The mass hysteria of dignity against rebellion;
Seethe, seethe and learn to no longer grieve.
Feeding off, of the energies of indignation,
Growing wings to bring about a resolution.
Through redemption and a shameless self-love,
Piece by piece, the wounded heart sewn together-
From the livid marks, collected as seared burns,
Lacerated into scars onto the floor of the soul
Broken and discarded, like debris to be cleaned.
